Watch the below video to understand what is meant by workplace welfare then study the text in this page and the following pages and refer to sources of
information recommended in the module then assess your understanding by solving the end of module quiz
‘Welfare facilities’ are those that are necessary for the well-being of employees, such as washing, toilet, rest and changing facilities, and somewhere
clean to eat and drink during breaks.
Employers must ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’, provide adequate and appropriate welfare facilities for their employees while they are at work.
1.1 Toilet and washing facilities:
To be adequate, toilet and washing facilities must:
Be enough for those expected to use them.
Have separate facilities for men and women.
Be clean.
Have supply of toilet paper and, for female employees, a means of disposing of sanitary dressings.
Be well lit and ventilated.
Have hot and cold running water.
Have enough soap or other washing agents.
Have basins that are large enough to wash hands and forearms if necessary.
Have means for drying hands, e.g., paper towels or a hot air dryer.
Have showers where necessary, e.g., for particularly dirty work.