Parking areas should be clearly indicated and there should be separate parking areas for commercial and private vehicles. There should also be designated areas
where commercial vehicles can be loaded and unloaded.
When vehicles are parked, their parking brakes should always be applied. On most trailers disconnecting the emergency air line does not apply the trailer parking brake.
Drivers should never leave a vehicle unattended without ensuring both the vehicle and the trailer are securely braked, the engine is off and the key to the vehicle has
been removed.
Where appropriate, trailer legs should be lowered to the ground.
Coupling and uncoupling:
Drivers and those who have overall control of sites (site operators) should make sure that coupling and uncoupling areas are well lit, with firm and level surfaces.
Drivers should be properly trained and have their work monitored by site operators to make sure they follow a safe system of work, involving the use of trailer and tractor unit parking brakes as appropriate.
Loading and unloading:
To minimise the risks to those involved in loading and unloading, information should
be provided on the nature of the load and how it should be properly loaded,
secured and unloaded. This information should accompany the load and be
available to those involved in the loading, transportation and unloading activities.
The loading and unloading area should be:
- clear of traffic and people not involved in the activity.
- on level ground.
- segregated from other work areas.
- clear of overhead cables, pipes, or other obstructions.
- protected from bad weather where possible.
Vehicles and trailers must have their brakes applied and all stabilisers in the correct position before loading or unloading.
Throughout loading and unloading there should be a safe place where drivers can wait.
Measures must be taken to prevent vehicles being driven off during either loading or unloading at loading bays. These can include:
- traffic lights on loading bays.
- vehicle or trailer restraints.
- keeping keys in a safe place, eg with a ‘custody’ system.