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HSE portal courses - Controlling movement risks in the workplace (OSH004)

Module 1: Preventing slips and trips at work

Module quiz
Select the best answer for the questions below:
Q1: As a Camp Supervisor, which one of the following control measures will be important to you to prevent slips, particularly in the food preparation area?

A) Placing entrance matting near doors.

B) Maintaining sufficient lighting levels.

C) Considering how work is organised and managed, eg to avoid rushing.

D) Restricting access to those wearing slip-resistant footwear.

Q2: After conducting pendulum test, the Safety Engineer ended that the offices of a UK-based company are of moderate slip potential. Which one of the following pendulum test values (PTV) may be the result of his test?

A) 24.

B) 30.

C) 37.

D) 22.

This course utilizes public sector information published by the Health and Safety Executive and licensed under the Open Government Licence.