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HSE portal courses - Controlling fire and explosion risks in the workplace (OSH002)

Module 1: Controlling fire and explosion risks in the workplace

Module quiz
Select the best answer for the questions below:
Q1: An employer has large flammable stores and want to control fire risk in the workplace. What should he do?

A) Get rid of the flammable material.

B) What is reasonably practicable.

C) Replace the flammable with a non-flammable material.

D) Use a different work process.

Q2: A UK-based employer has an area in his workplace that is classified as a Zone 2 area. Which one of the below-described could it be?

A) An area where an explosive gas atmosphere is likely to occur in normal operation.

B) An area where explosive gas atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation and, if it occurs, will only exist for a short time.

C) An area where an explosive gas atmosphere is present continuously or for long periods.

D) An area where an explosive atmosphere occur for more than 1000h/yr .

This course utilizes public sector information published by the Health and Safety Executive and licensed under the Open Government Licence.