1.4 Provision of information, instruction and training for employees:
Relevant information, instruction and training for employees includes:
- Details of dangerous substances in the workplace and the risks they present, including access to any relevant safety data sheets and information on any
other legislation that applies to the dangerous substance.
- The findings of the risk assessment and the control and mitigation measures put in place as a result (including their purpose and how to follow and use
- Emergency procedures.
Employers need to provide information, instruction and training to other people (non-employees) where it is required to ensure their safety, and it should be
in proportion to the level and type of risk.
The contents and associated hazards of pipes, containers etc used for dangerous substances in the workplace should be clearly identifiable so that employees
and others are alerted to the presence of the dangerous substance.
1.5 Preparation for accidents, incidents and emergencies:
Employers should assess the likelihood of, and scale or magnitude of the effects that may result from, any foreseeable accident, incident, emergency or other
event involving dangerous substances present in the workplace. Based on this assessment, they should put in place appropriate emergency arrangements to
safeguard people on their premises, mitigate the effects of any such event, and restore the situation to normal.
Such arrangements include the plans and procedures for safety drills, warning and other communication systems, and first-aid facilities. Equally, no additional
arrangements are required where an employer risk assessment determines that the dangerous substance poses only a slight risk – because of the quantity present.
If an accident, incident or emergency occurs, the employer should provide employees tasked with carrying out repairs or other necessary work with the
appropriate equipment, including PPE and information, instruction and training to enable them to carry out this work safely.
The information in the emergency plans and procedures should be made available to the emergency services to allow them to develop their own plans if necessary.
1.6 Sources of information on fire and explosion risks:
Information on workplace fire and explosion risks can be obtained from:
- Enforcement bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive (website: http://www.hse.gov.uk) and OSHA (website: http://www.osha.gov).
- Professional bodies such as IOSH (website: http://www.iosh.com) and IIRSM (website: http://www.iirsm.org).